Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One thing I will never do...

As the end of my college career quickly approaches, I am planning for the next step in the game: finding a job.  I must have sent a cover letter and resume to over 200 places already and have made a little progress.  The issue is, is that I am planning on moving to South Florida and I have a lot of family down there to help me get adjusted to the area, visit for interviews, etc.  I visited in early April and went for a few interviews at some private beach clubs that are similar to the one I work at up here now.  After I came back I had a few, what I though were, very promising leads with people who seemed very sincere and interested in adding me to their team.  That impression changed as the weeks went by after coming back.  With this situation and with others it blows my mind and is one of the most frustrating things to me that people will ignore phone calls and emails.  In this age we live in most people wont go 5 minutes without knowing they have an email, message, or call.  One thing that I know that I will never do is not get back to people or worse, ignore them.  Even if the answer is something that needs to be looked into, or isn't urgent at the time, it takes 30 seconds to write an email and say :"hey look, I got your email and I really don't know, let me get back to you in a few days?".  This quick 30, less than, 15 second email is something that will keep me from wanting to put my head through wall waiting on a response.  I guess everyone has their quirks, and maybe this is mine, but I know one thing for sure, and its that I will always get back to people as if they were standing in front of me.